
Gloria Stump's groups

Fotoğraflı özlü sözler paylaşım grubu
Grup'a üye ulup sizde fotoğraflı özlü sözleri bakabilir, yada sizde güzel bir söz ekleyebilir..
16 members
Ottawa city platform
89 members
Paris Chat Room For single peoples.
137 members
Antalya, Türkiye'nin bir ili ve en kalabalık beşinci şehri. 2013 itibarıyla 2.158.265 nüfusa sahiptir. Tamamı Akdeniz Bölgesi'nin batısında yer alır ve Antalya Körfezi'yle Batı Torosların arasında kurulmuştur. Yüz ölçümü bakımından Türk...
18 members
Texas City
Texas City is located on the Texas Gulf Coast, in Galveston County. It lies on the southwestern shore of Galveston Bay, just off the Gulf of Mexico.
73 members
Rome City
I Love Rome <3
227 members
Turkey for Strangers
Turkey Group For Stangers. Ask about Turkey what do you want or chat with peoples.
120 members
Los Angeles City
Whether you're single or taken in the City of Los Angels, this Group is for you. Wellcome to Los Angeles
67 members
Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos is a major African financial centre and is the economic hub of Lagos State and Nigeria at large.   The city has a significant influence on commerce, entertainment, technology, education, politics, tourism, art, and fashion in Africa.
20 members
Tokyo, Japan
37 members
New York City
New York City  is a social network for make friends in New York, meet friends in our groups by hobbies, Join our group and  meet with new friends.
667 members

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