
Maria Romanova Profile

Maria Romanova
Female 34 years old
I'm looking for serios relationship. I don't have boyfriend or husband.

About Me

I'm looking for serios relationship. I don't have boyfriend or husband.


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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova uploaded 1 new photo to İçerik Bandı Fotoğrafları album
    Pretty me :)
    Apr 4, 16:43
    3 5
    5 members like this
    Victor Momoh
    Apr 6, 9:10
    Hello, I hope we can connect, I'm from Sierra Leone and I hope we can hang around and chat to have a fair understanding about who we are and our passion
    Kingsford Aidoo
    Apr 12, 19:34
    Yh is true my love
    Madalina Elena Vatra
    Feb 21, 12:30
    Good morning everyone from a sunny day.
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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova commented on Onur Türk's blog post
    You are headed for HELL for who wears Bikini at beach in 1980
    A woman warns beachgoers that their clothing choices are going to send them to hell, 1980s.


    After being invented in 1947, the bikini was ...
    Apr 4, 16:07
    3 11
    11 members like this
    Elena Dragan
    Nov 9 '2023, 14:29
    oh is this real! i hava shock :)
    Maria Romanova
    Apr 4, 16:07
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Aug 4, 20:55
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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova liked Turgut Can's photo
    ⁣- A young Hitler cheers the start of World War One, 1914 - Genç Hitler birinci dünya savaşının başlamasını kutluyor, 1914
    Apr 4, 16:07
    0 9
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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova
    15 votes
    12 votes
    3 votes
    I don't know it.
    1 votes
    Apr 4, 16:06
    1 31 1
  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova liked Onur Türk's blog post
    Chișinău, orașul în care coexistă sărăcia și viața de lux
    Moldova ülkesini ve başkentinin nasıl göründüğünü hayal ettiğiniz de aklınıza ne canlanıyor?

    Ce îți vine î...
    Apr 4, 16:06
    4 13
    13 members like this
    Elena Dragan
    Feb 25 '2024, 19:13
    Chişinau inima Moldovei (h)
    Turgut Can
    Mar 21, 20:09
    Alina Cojocaru
    Apr 2, 23:22
    Turks are everywhere even in Moldova Gagauzia :D
    Maria Rusu
    Oct 25, 19:42
    Locuiesc in Chişinau şi chiar e adevarat!
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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova liked Onur Türk's video
    Bugün gezerken Youtube de karşıma çıktı bu şarkı öneri olarak ilginç geldi :)
    Apr 4, 16:06
    0 7
    7 members like this
  • Maria Romanova
    What are the benefits of apples? 1- Ideal for stomach health: Green apples are especially stomach-friendly and destroy bad bacteria in the intestines. 2- It is good for joint pain: Joint and rheumatism pain of people who consume apples regularly is reduced by half. 3- Sleep triggers: People who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning can start the day by eating a few slices of apple. 4- It gives energy. Red and green apples, which are rich in protein, give vitality if eaten on an empty stomach. 5- It can be used in hair care. Apple, which gives vitality to damaged hair roots, makes the hair grow much thicker. 6- Strengthens memory: Apples should be consumed regularly not only by people with poor memory but also by those who have concentration problems. 7- Whitens teeth: New research has proven that green apples are good for dental health. If eaten with apple peels, it also prevents tooth extraction and gum inflammation. 8- Strengthens the immune system: Apple, rich in potassium and vitamin C, strengthens the immune system. If consumed with oranges and tangerines in winter, it reduces the risk of catching flu by half. 9- It cuts cough: Those who want to stop persistent coughs, which are more common in winter months, should eat at least one apple every day. 10- Reduces body fat rate: Apple satisfies your sweet tooth. This allows the body to reduce its fat content. 11- Prevents obesity: Lots of apples should be consumed to prevent obesity, one of the most common and dangerous diseases of today.What are the benefits of apples? 1- Ideal for stomach health: Green apples are especially stomach-friendly and destroy bad bacteria in the intestines. 2- It is good for joint pain: Joint and rheumatism pain of people who consume apples regularly is reduced by half. 3- Sleep triggers: People wh...See more
    Apr 4, 16:06
    0 10
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  • Maria Romanova
    Comunicarea nu este nimic fără înțelegere? Poți vorbi cât vrei? Dar dacă nu te înțeleg. Atunci acea comunicare este inutilă. Ceea ce este mai important decât să asculți, este să înțelegi cu adevărat ceea ce încearcă să spună persoana din fața ta.
    Apr 4, 16:06
    1 22
    22 members like this
    Maria Alexandrescu
    Nov 22, 15:15
    E important Comunicarea intre 2 persoane
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  • Maria Romanova
    There is a natural connection between kids and animals? Meet four-year-old Dominic and his friend, a deer. Dominic told his mommy that he met the young fawn while playing. He said he talked to the animal and told him he had cereal inside the house, so the deer followed him. Eventually, Dominic’s mom suggested it would be better to take the deer back to the the tree line in case the deer’s mom was looking for him. Dominic obliged.There is a natural connection between kids and animals? Meet four-year-old Dominic and his friend, a deer. Dominic told his mommy that he met the young fawn while playing. He said he talked to the animal and told him he had cereal inside the house, so the deer followed him. Eventually, Dominic’...See more
    Apr 4, 16:06
    9 38
    38 members like this
    Turgut Can
    Oct 1, 1:27
    I wish I had a photo like this when I was a kid.
    Melisa Tekin
    Oct 9, 16:17
    çok tatlı çocuk
    Eunseo Yoon
    Oct 31, 0:22
    This is real happiness!
    Ana Fernanda
    Dec 12, 12:37
    Foto muy dulce.
    Andra Amor
    Yesterday, 14:19
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  • Maria Romanova
    Maria Romanova uploaded 1 new photo to İçerik Bandı Fotoğrafları album
    We are in Club!
    Apr 4, 16:04
    2 7
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    Victor Momoh
    Apr 7, 0:59
    I'm a Sierra Leonean and the country manager for Wise Design Africa. I hope you can have time for us to chat? It's opportunity for us to discuss as part of introduction. Victor Momoh
    Hami Sinaee
    Apr 8, 7:58
    Can we choose all of them at once and take them out of the club?!🥰
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