
Duver Profile

Male 67 years old


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  • Duver
    Duver liked Onur Türk's blog post
    Viața de noapte și cluburile din Pristina
    Viața de noapte Pristina:


    Cu cea mai tânără populație din Europa și mulți studenți internaționali, nu este greu de înțeles de...
    Feb 27, 6:05
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    Alina Cojocaru
    Apr 2, 23:22
    Chisinau is Flamingo very nice disco i have been there a lot of times
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  • Duver
    Duver commented on Onur Türk's video
    Good Morning / Günaydın
    Feb 27, 4:34
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    Feb 27, 4:34
    nice !:)
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  • Duver
    Duver liked Onur Türk's photo
    ""Is it possible to love a woman just for her beauty? Wouldn't that be like loving a statue?" *** "Bir kadını sırf güzelliği için sevmek olanaklı mı? Bu, bir heykeli sev­mek gibi bir şey olmaz mı?"
    Feb 26, 21:41
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    Daniela Aciu
    Nov 22, 0:56
    I like
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  • Duver
    Duver liked Alina Travel's photo
    What are the benefits of apples? 1- Ideal for stomach health: Green apples are especially stomach-friendly and destroy bad bacteria in the intestines. 2- It is good for joint pain: Joint and rheumatism pain of people who consume apples regularly is reduced by half. 3- Sleep triggers: People who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning can start the day by eating a few slices of apple. 4- It gives energy. Red and green apples, which are rich in protein, give vitality if eaten on an empty stomach. 5- It can be used in hair care. Apple, which gives vitality to damaged hair roots, makes the hair grow much thicker. 6- Strengthens memory: Apples should be consumed regularly not only by people with poor memory but also by those who have concentration problems. 7- Whitens teeth: New research has proven that green apples are good for dental health. If eaten with apple peels, it also prevents tooth extraction and gum inflammation. 8- Strengthens the immune system: Apple, rich in potassium and vitamin C, strengthens the immune system. If consumed with oranges and tangerines in winter, it reduces the risk of catching flu by half. 9- It cuts cough: Those who want to stop persistent coughs, which are more common in winter months, should eat at least one apple every day. 10- Reduces body fat rate: Apple satisfies your sweet tooth. This allows the body to reduce its fat content. 11- Prevents obesity: Lots of apples should be consumed to prevent obesity, one of the most common and dangerous diseases of today.What are the benefits of apples? 1- Ideal for stomach health: Green apples are especially stomach-friendly and destroy bad bacteria in the intestines. 2- It is good for joint pain: Joint and rheumatism pain of people who consume apples regularly is reduced by half. 3- Sleep triggers: People wh...See more
    Feb 26, 21:41
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  • Duver
    Duver commented on Anastasiya's photo
    What's up
    Feb 26, 21:18
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    Anastasiya likes this
    Feb 26, 21:18
    Hi Anastasia ! How are you ?
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