
Tracy boucher Profile

Tracy boucher
Female 34 years old


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  • Tracy boucher
    Tracy boucher uploaded 1 new photo to azz album
    ⁣I am a woman full of life, optimistic, joyful, tender and passionate. I take care of myself by having a healthy lifestyle. (food, sport, etc ...). I am interested in news topics (environment, culture, politics, social life, events etc ...) I like to enjoy the good times and I need to live them fully. I like living in the moment as often as possible. I'm looking for someone who looks like me because sharing is an essential thing for me. The man who would suit me would become my accomplice, my lover and contribute to my joy of living. I search for what is called a "beautiful person". Someone who wears values. I wish a serious and lasting relationship⁣I am a woman full of life, optimistic, joyful, tender and passionate. I take care of myself by having a healthy lifestyle. (food, sport, etc ...). I am interested in news topics (environment, culture, politics, social life, events etc ...) I like to enjoy the good times and I need to live them full...See more
    Semih balci
    Jun 12 '2018, 18:11
    ⁣ ⁣deleted user Margaret Wilson.
    Semih balci
    Jun 12 '2018, 18:36
    Semih balci
    Jun 12 '2018, 18:36
    Semih balci
    Jun 12 '2018, 18:38
    ⁣I want to show you how much more fake
    Semih balci
    Jun 12 '2018, 18:44
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