(When if I'm wrong there is no white, and if I'm right there is light, I'm trying be polite,) (you can drag me through the mud i come out clean, castaway stones i don't even blink, lot of body port of paddies!) IF YOU ABLE TO STOP THE RED TROOP YOU ARE EMERGING ME I WILL COME IN FOR EVERY WHERE THE ATTACH IS FROM!!!(When if I'm wrong there is no white, and if I'm right there is light, I'm trying be polite,) (you can drag me through the mud i come out clean, castaway stones i don't even blink, lot of body port of...See more
Albania has 2,402,113 inhabitants, 419,831 fewer than in 2011, according to the results of the latest national census published on Friday, AFP inform...
I’d like to suggest a cute small beach house for summer with flowers all around similar to the photos shown or a Key West style beach house! And with bright sunshine! Thank you
If I were to call Copenhagen the capital of the north, I think I would not be unfair to other cities. As the capital and largest city of Denmark, it i...
There are 4 types of riches:
️ Financial riches comes with money.
️ Social riches comes with status.
️ Physical riches comes with health.
️ Time riches comes with freedom.
️ The goal is usually to win 1 and 2. The real thing is not to be 3 and 4.
There is a natural connection between kids and animals?
Meet four-year-old Dominic and his friend, a deer.
Dominic told his mommy that he met the young fawn while playing.
He said he talked to the animal and told him he had cereal inside the house, so the deer followed him.
Eventually, Dominic’s mom suggested it would be better to take the deer back to the the tree line in case the deer’s mom was looking for him. Dominic obliged.There is a natural connection between kids and animals?
Meet four-year-old Dominic and his friend, a deer.
Dominic told his mommy that he met the young fawn while playing.
He said he talked to the animal and told him he had cereal inside the house, so the deer followed him.
Eventually, Dominic’...See more
Every year, more people are killed by donkeys than by plane crashes. ****
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