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Onur Türk
Numele „H amburger” provine dintr-o poveste interesantă, dar nu are nimic de-a face cu „h am” (șuncă) în sensul de carne de porc. Istoria hamburgerului datează din comunitățile turcești cunoscute sub numele de tătari din... more
Onur Türk Dec 12, 11:10
Onur Türk
Rusya bir günde 1.770 asker, 56 topçu sistemi, 49 zırhlı muharebe aracı ve 24 tank kaybetti. Rusya son bir günde 1.770 ölü ve yaralı asker ve yaklaşık 300 parça ekipman kaybetti. Ayrıntılar: Rus kuvvetlerinin... more
Onur Türk Nov 13, 15:34
Onur Türk
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK was born in Thessaloniki in 1881. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK mother's name was Zübeyde and his father's name was Ali Rıza. His sister's name was Makbule. 16 May, 1919 Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK left th... more
Onur Türk Nov 10, 14:35
Turgut Can
I think I was around 17 years old. It was my first few years in the tourism sector. I was working at a hotel in Kemer, a district of Antalya. Two of us were on a break in a corner of the hotel’s restaurant. I was constantly complaining abo... more
Turgut Can Nov 9, 14:55
Hande Ertaş
​Aslında cevabımın iki düş üncem var. İlkokuldayken eve ağlayarak geldim ç ünkü bir kız bana atların cennete gitmediğini söylemişti. Anneme eğer atlar gidemiyorsa ben de cennete gitmek istemediğimi söyledim. Ann... more
Hande Ertaş Oct 31, 14:55
Turgut Can
Sessizliğe öyle alışmıştım ki, sonsuza kadar sessiz kalacağımı sanırdım . Çünkü sessiz kalmak, kü& ccedil;ük dünyamda babamla olan iletişim bi&ccedi l;imimdi. Babam akşamları yorgun gelirdi. Ben de bütün... more
Turgut Can Oct 5, 9:39
Turgut Can
I kept so quiet that I would probably keep quiet forever. Because being quiet was the way I communicated with my father in my tiny world. My father would come home tired in the evenings. I would get bored at home all day and eagerly await his arr... more
Turgut Can Oct 2, 18:34
Turgut Can
​The meaning of the word "Ham" in English is "a dish made by salting and drying the upper part of the pig's leg". So, did the hamburger get its name because it was made from pork?.. Absolutely not! The history of the hambu... more
Turgut Can Oct 2, 13:14


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