
Woman, delicate but extremely strong being. from Elena Dragan's blog



Women are those delicate  beings at first sight, but extremely strong. We are strong and could rule the world, but we like to let men think that they have the power.
The woman is much stronger than the man.


I saw how a woman can violate her principles, her limits, just because she loves her partner. I saw how after she cried for days and nights, after she had to wear dark circles for a week, after she thought her world had collapsed, after she lost faith in herself as a woman she rose from the bottom , she shook herself and kissed her husband, forgiving him.


It's hard to be a woman in a world where most men are misogynists. You have to work 10 times as much as a man to be appreciated, to know how to hide your disappointments when your work is underestimated and in the evening, after a terrible day at work, leave all the stress of that day at the door and be a full-time mother and wife.


A woman can hide her pain and dissatisfaction for days, months, years in a row without those around her knowing what's in her soul. To cry alone when she feels she can't anymore and in 5 minutes she'll recover and go on away as if nothing had happened.


Regrets About Loves


ou can't choose another past, you can't turn back time, you can't change your childhood or anything you've lived so far.

Many times you wish that life had been different, that you had known certain people in different circumstances and many years ago. Unfortunately, you cannot change any of this.

But you can choose to decide that from this moment on you will no longer allow your past to define you, you can choose to be whoever you want to be and you can definitely create a present and a future according to your dreams.
Learn and start living!


You spend every moment of your life in your own company. From the beginning to the end of life, you are with yourself, non-stop.

Fear, guilt, pity, despair, fear of the new or the unknown, regret for what could have been, illusions, fear of failure, the belief that you are responsible for the happiness of other adults, addiction. These are the factors that stop you from make the change you want so much?


Every time you give in to them, you give up yourself, your life, your power, your own happiness.

Don't allow yourself to be stuck in situations you don't want. You came into the world to be happy, to say YES to life and your evolution. Say NO to unnecessary compromises and sacrifices, open the door and embrace your happiness with courage.



The sages were also of the opinion that being loved gives you strength, and loving gives you courage. So let's raise the white flag and let's be the first to give up pride, let's also give power to those we love: the power to love, the power to show one's true face and to overcome the fortified borders of one's own Ego.


Let's not expect anything in return, but let's remember that life has its own laws and so does love: we always get only what we deserve, and what we love is a reflection of us. And don't be afraid: there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only what we feel. And finally, the heart knows better where to direct us.


I feel your every thought and every desire that you carry in your eyes! I know that everything I have read and imagined about the sublime has found its way into you.

You make me understand unspoken words and shapes that don't yet have a precise outline...!


He is the man who makes me forget everything I am. The man who melts my border between real and unreal when he touches me.

A man intelligent enough to understand my hidden desires. Even if not all of them, because you know how many there are...!


He is the man for whom my heart asks what rhythm it should beat when I am around him. To lose her own control!


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By Elena Dragan
Added Jun 13, 21:45


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