
Why have sparrows disappeared and the sparrow population is declining rapidly? from Turgut Can's blog

Sparrows are one of the bird species best adapted to humanity's change.


Sparrows are one of the bird species that best adapt to humanity's change. Despite this, their population has been decreasing rapidly in recent years. When England found that it had lost 68% of its sparrows, it began to conduct research in London parks to protect the species. Indians created World Sparrow Day to draw the world's attention to this extinction. Every year on March 20, the whole world takes action for these little creatures. In our country, Doğa Association has been organizing events within the scope of World Sparrow Day with the support of nature volunteers for the last 3 years.


We can list many signs heralding the arrival of spring: nature turns green; flowers bloom; Butterflies begin to fly, birds begin to sing...


But in our lives squeezed into big concrete cities, most of us cannot catch these signs and miss spring. However, sparrows chirp from the small bushes next to huge buildings or in front of your window, as if they are trying to announce to people that spring is at the door.

Our little friends, the sparrows, are decreasing day by day due to our way of thinking and living, which is getting away from nature, and they are disappearing from our lives without anyone noticing. According to Nature Association experts, the number of sparrows in Turkey is declining as in many parts of the world. For the last 3 years, Nature Association has been organizing events as part of World Sparrow Day to draw attention to the extinction of sparrows.


Last year, many nature volunteers supported this day organized for sparrows by counting the sparrows and conveying the counting results and messages to (Doğa Derneği) Nature Association invites all nature volunteers to count sparrows together on March 20 this year and to collect sparrow records here by becoming a member of Kuşbank database (http://kusbank.org), where birdwatching data of Turkey is collected.


Director Engin Yılmaz said, "World Sparrow Day is the day to convey the warnings of nature to us through our friends, sparrows. Our current lifestyle causes the rapid destruction of nature along with the sparrows. We have to heed the call of these little friends as soon as possible and prevent them from leaving our lives." Said.

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Onur Türk
Sep 10 '2023, 23:57
Why Disappaered birds because of humans!
Alina Luca
Sep 18 '2023, 22:19
I loves birds sad to hear that.
Elena Dragan
Oct 3 '2023, 23:03
Thanks. i loves birds
Turgut Can
Oct 19 '2023, 23:52
⁣Humans are being destroyed from the world, so the animal population is also disappearing.
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