
turgut's blog

Prepare for the meeting
Before any planned meeting, try to find out useful information about the other person.
See what topics you enjoy talking about, what hobbies you share, and choose a meeting place that suits both of you.


With the great advantage of social networks and the unlimited possibility of communication today, you can try to know as many relevant details about the other person as possible before you meet. In this way, you can prepare better, gain more confidence in yourself and the other person, but also get rid of the emotions of the first time.

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În 1972, geologul Dr. Descoperită de Temuçin Aygen, Peștera Albastră este situată în districtul Kaș din Antalya. Această peșteră, care are puține exemple în lume, se află lângă plaja Kaputaș, pe coasta mării, între Kaș și Kalkan.


Se află la 18 km de Kas și la 6 km de Kalkan. Kalkan, unde se află peștera albastră; A primit steagul albastru pentru curățenia și frumusețea sa. Kalkan, cunoscut anterior ca Kalamaki, a fost construit pe o pantă abruptă.

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The meaning and importance of the Turkish power symbol Bozkurt


The wolf motif, which the Turks attribute holiness and find the reflection of their own characters in, has been one of the most used sacred symbols in Turkish history.


Turks have symbolized many animals throughout history. The lion of the Qizilbash Safavids, the phoenix of the European Huns, the dragon of the Asian Huns, the eagle of the Seljuks, the peacock of the Ghaznavids are famous. But the symbol above all these is "Gökbörü", that is, "Bozkurt", which is the common symbol of all Turanic tribes. This epic being is the symbol of the Turk.

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There Are No “Bulgarian Immigrants”, “Bulgarian Dignitaries” In Turkey There Are “Turks Immigrated From Bulgaria”


Location: A Deliorman Town where Turks have lived for 100 years.
Date: First Friday of June 1453.
There is a large rock in the middle of the town. A dervish, who climbed on that rock with great agility, suddenly began to call the adhan:
“Allahuekber, Allahuekber…”

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Today I will share with you everything about my trip from Istanbul to India.

Day 1: Today we depart from Istanbul Airport. We will fly to Delhi as a connecting flight.


Day 2: We will reach Delhi Airport and take another flight to Jaipur. We will rest at our hotel. At noon, we will take very colorful and very enjoyable photos at the Amber Fort, where we will go out with the Elephants in Jaipur. Especially women with their colorful clothes will be our volunteer models here.


Everyone in India is ready and willing to pose for a photo. After the castle, we will take pictures of the Hawa Mahal, which will fascinate us with its architecture, and the colorful people passing by. We will return to our hotel in the evening, our accommodation and dinner will be in Jaipur.

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How do you think you look? The answers to this question form our body perception. Body image is a mental representation that we create with our ideas about our body. This representation may or may not be about how we actually look.


Body image can be affected and deteriorated by the attitudes of the individual's parents, early life experiences, emotions and other factors. If we do a survey today and ask, "What do you think affects our body image the most?" What would you say if we asked you? I think the first answer most people would think of would be social media, specifically the app called Instagram.


While surfing social media during the day, we consume the images that are published continuously. Exposure to these images inevitably affects the way we perceive our own physical appearance, for better or worse.


“Only 7 minutes of Instagram use reduced body satisfaction in young women”

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Günümüzde İcatların %70 i Amerika Birleşik devletlerinden çıksa' da eskiden bir zamanlar Dünya bilimine katkı yapmış Türk bilim adamlarımızda vardı.

Bunlardan bir tanesi olan, Kaşgarlı Mahmud "Divanü Lügati Türk" yani Türkçe Sözlük isimli bir kitap da bir dünya haritası çizmiştir.

Çocuklarımıza Atatürk, Cengizhan, Timur, Fatih Sultan Mehmet gibi önderlerin yanında, Türk Bilim adamlarına öğreterek onların ufuklarını genişletebiliriz.

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