
Onur's blog

The people of the Scandinavian countries are always known as happy people. Denmark, which has been among the happiest countries in the world for many years, says that the formula of this happiness is hidden in the concept of "Hygge". Even books have been written to make this concept useful to people all over the world.


In fact, the concept of hygge, which comes from the Norwegian word "Hugga", has become a lifestyle for the Danes. This word, which has the meanings of "giving peace" and "relaxing"; It is accepted as a symbol of warmth and sincerity.

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Numele Timur este folosit ca nume de origine turca. Înseamnă Fier. Deci înseamnă o persoană puternică precum fierul. Este un nume folosit în regiunile turcești din Rusia, Turcia și țările turcești din Asia Centrală.


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Libertatea este ca o insectă moartă pe vârful unei săbii care nu poate vedea marea.

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