
ElenaDragan's blog

Lituania a avut o rată uluitoare de sinucidere de 42 la 100.000 în 2003. Asta face 1500 de oameni în total. Mai mulți oameni mor în urma accidentelor de circulație și de două ori mai mulți decât acum 20 de ani.


Șapte dintre primele zece țări în ceea ce privește sinuciderea sunt țări baltice sau din fosta Uniune Sovietică


Într-un context internațional, sinuciderile în Lituania sunt de șase ori mai mari decât în ​​Marea Britanie, de cinci ori mai mari decât în ​​Statele Unite și de trei ori media mondială. Deși nimeni nu știe de ce, este interesant că șapte dintre primele zece țări care se sinuciază sunt țări baltice sau din fosta Uniune Sovietică. Poate de aceea Lituania este și țara cu cei mai mulți neurologi.


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Women are those delicate  beings at first sight, but extremely strong. We are strong and could rule the world, but we like to let men think that they have the power.
The woman is much stronger than the man.


I saw how a woman can violate her principles, her limits, just because she loves her partner. I saw how after she cried for days and nights, after she had to wear dark circles for a week, after she thought her world had collapsed, after she lost faith in herself as a woman she rose from the bottom , she shook herself and kissed her husband, forgiving him.


It's hard to be a woman in a world where most men are misogynists. You have to work 10 times as much as a man to be appreciated, to know how to hide your disappointments when your work is underestimated and in the evening, after a terrible day at work, leave all the stress of that day at the door and be a full-time mother and wife.


A woman can hide her pain and dissatisfaction for days, months, years in a row without those around her knowing what's in her soul. To cry alone when she feels she can't anymore and in 5 minutes she'll recover and go on away as if nothing had happened.

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