
Oxwall Died Platform Since 2016 (Free Oxwall 1.8 Nulled Download) from Onur Türk's blog

Hello, if you are looking a new version of oxwall or do you want to use oxwall script. i have a sad news for you. oxwall since 2016 not anymore updating.. it is very old a bulky system.

if you have a lot of members maybe over 20.000 50.000 this time seriosly starting problems.  Giving a lot of Error script. and It is very tiring for the server's processor. You must to rent a server special for Oxwall script because hotsting pachets will be not enought for you!  

Oxwall platfortm since 3-4 years not anymore developing... if you looking a new modules, Plugins and new themes there is not anymore new modules and themes. it is sad part of oxwall. And they have a oxwall forum page and it is full spam bots anymore don't care about forum. it was very nice platform 6-7 years ago. but They focused on money for everything. They don't care about to developing oxwall. I'm sad for it because i also using oxwall system but i am trying to convert my website to phpfox. Phpfox also not free but they are developing system. 


I think this is very important for those who will buy oxwall with money or for free oxwall.


PHP 8.2 version is relased new and  oxwall still works with version PHP 5.6.   I GOT a lot of error messages when I try to run php with 7.0

There is not anymore auto update since 2016 on oxwall platform!


who want to download oxwall here is a link: https://github.com/oxwall/oxwall


if you have a serios platform plan. i think dont waste your time by oxwall... 

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The Wall

Turgut Can
Apr 14 '2023, 11:35
2023 oxwall is a died platform and most worse seo system. why still peoples buying it i don't understand better you can download a nulled oxwall script than buy a new one :)
Onur Türk
Apr 22 '2023, 17:05
They are just intrested to earn moneys from clients. i don't under why peoples still buying it!
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