
One day I learned to keep quiet. from Turgut Can's blog

I kept so quiet that I would probably keep quiet forever.


Because being quiet was the way I communicated with my father in my tiny world. My father would come home tired in the evenings.
I would get bored at home all day and eagerly await his arrival. As soon as he walked through the door, I would throw myself on his neck and want to play with him.


My father would hug me, kiss me, and then say, go to your room. When dinner was ready, my mother would call me, and this time we would get together at the table with my father. While they were talking to my mother, I would intervene and when I couldn’t be heard, I would shout.



My father would get angry and say, ‘I’m fed up with banging people’s heads all day, and now you’re not bothering me!’ My mother would scold me, ‘I’ve already been dealing with you all day, aren’t you going to let me have a few words with your father?’ and send me to my room.

I would bow my head helplessly and head towards my room, my prison. My father would continue to shout behind me, 'We didn't even have a room, he had everything, I still don't understand what he wants.'

I would say to myself, 'I wish I didn't have a room, I wish our house had one room so we could all sit together'; but I didn't dare to say it out loud.


After dinner, my father would lie down on the couch, grab the remote control and watch TV. He would call me over and pet me a little. If there was something important for him to watch, he would almost never move from my spot.


If I tried to move a little, run and play, my room imprisonment would start again. One day I realized that my father and I get along better when I am silent. This time, I started to develop games that I could do while being silent.


First, I started by painting. My father really liked the pictures I drew; he would say, 'Look, play nice like this.'


Sometimes my father would look at me from the corner of his eye, and if I asked him something about the picture, he would be taken aback. But he would no longer get angry with me and send me to my room.


'My son has become so clever lately.' My mother would tell the neighbors about my condition.


As my pictures increased, the place started to get messy. When my mother locked me in my room saying 'Tidy your room!', I didn't know where to start.


Time passed while I was dealing with these things; but I couldn't manage to tidy up my room.

My mother came to my room one day and said 'Look, I'm going to forbid you from drawing.' What would I do if my family, who thought my silence was good manners, took my drawings away from me?


With these thoughts, I made a family picture. I waited for the right time when my father came home.


As usual, the food was eaten and we went to the room. As soon as my father sat down, I brought the picture I had drawn. My father looked at it. Hmm, he said 'It turned out very nice.'



This man must be mine.' I said 'No, that man is not, this child is you.'

She said 'No, this man is mine, this child is you, this little girl is your friend.'

I said again, 'No, that big man is me, this little man is you, and this little girl is my mother.'

My father gave up trying to deal with me and said, 'So why did you draw us small?' I started telling excitedly.


I will grow up and become a man.

I will find a job and work.
You will grow old and become small.
You will bend your back, you will be small like our neighbors Uncle Ahmet and Aunt Ayşe.
I will be tired when I come home from work.


When you try to talk to me, I won't even hear you because my head will be swollen at work.


When you want to share something with me, I will say, 'Go to your room so I can rest.'

And I will also shout, 'I am taking everything. They also have warm rooms, what more do they want?'


My mother and father's eyes were wide open.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing..

They hugged me and caressed me so sincerely that it seemed like they would listen to me forever without getting tired.

A person should be aware...

He should be aware of himself, life, events,
the course of events.

Life is three days, yesterday came and went, tomorrow is unknown, so life is one day, and that is today.

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