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Tag search results for: "moldova"
Turgut Can

The ornamentation of objects is an artistic reproduction, usually simplified by figurative forms of the surrounding reality (material, social, spiritual). The ornament expresses a side of the cultural specificity, of the way of conceiving and producing aesthetic values.


In popular creation, where the names of the craftsmen mostly remain unknown, the ornamental motifs have been polished and selected over the centuries and millennia, becoming a treasure and standard of collective creation.


The decor is always organically linked to the function of the objects, the raw material and the technique in which they are worked, varying in relation to the skill and social status of the creator, the historical stage of development of the society, the geographical location and the demographic structure of the population, sometimes ornaments find their expression sacred symbols that are passed down from generation to generation and are related to the ancient symbols of the people. Thus, folk ornamentation presents an ethnographic document of major importance similar to speech, music, folklore serving as a means of communication between generations.

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Turgut Can Sep 8 '2023, 15:13 · Comments: 2 · Tags: moldova, ornament, national, moldova cultura
Turgut Can

The Moldovan people have created over the centuries a rich and varied spiritual and material culture, which reflected the thoughts and aspirations of the people, their needs and mentality. Oral folk creation, traditions, customs, crafts, literature, plastic art, music, theater, and from the 20th century and the cinema have registered remarkable successes in their evolution, as evidenced by the valuable artistic works that have entered the heritage of the national culture and universal.

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Turgut Can Sep 8 '2023, 15:00 · Comments: 4 · Tags: moldova, culture, moldova culture
Onur Türk


Esenlikler arkadaşlar, bundan 4 sene önce  Moldova ya iş kurmaya gittim. Daha önce yurt dışında çalıştığım ve biriktirdiğim paraları değerlendirmek ve kendime ait bir Kafe sahibi olma fikrim vardı.  Kendime ait küçük de olsa bir Kafe açayım ve Sabahları kahvaltımı kendi kafemde yaparım böylece benim için büyük bir sorun olan yemek  sorunu da ortadan kalkmış hem de kafe den sıcak para kazanmış olurum diye düşüncem vardı. 

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Onur Türk Feb 6 '2022, 13:08 · Rate: 5 · Comments: 5 · Tags: moldova dükkan açmak, moldova, moldova işyeri açmak, moldova işyeri

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