
Important tips for understanding scam girls (African Scammers Girls) from Turgut Can's blog

Rules one-  Peoples who  you don't know  never buy a gift card or send moneys someone. 

it's most likely a fake. She will soon ask you for money if she hasn't already. Or to help her transfer her father's money. Or buy some diamonds cheaply.

And They have broken English. they start to talk with dear  but most important things i am listing here to bellow...

Yes 100% scammer tips. Here is a list of red flags!

  1. Oil rig worker or marine engineer
  2. Doctor for the UN or Doctors without borders
  3. Widowed with a child
  4. Soldier
  5. Celebrity (no famous person will contact you to be their secret friend or to send money to a fake charity)
  6. Bank account is frozen
  7. Stuck in a foreign country
  8. Can’t face time or video chat due to “security”
  9. Asks for your banking info, personal info
  10. Asks you to send a gift card to their child
  11. Broken, strange English. Calls you “dear”
  12. Is immediately in love with you.

You have never met this person face to face in the flesh.


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Onur Türk
Feb 1 '2023, 13:44
Thanks for sharing. we will be happy when all african scammers will be in jail!
Turgut Can
Feb 24 '2023, 16:53
No send moneys nobody. We will send all of them in jail a day!
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