
⁣How do you know if a person is a scam? from Onur Türk's blog

Hello, everybody today i will share with you my opinion about scammer girls. how do you understand if a girl scam or real person. Firstly scammer peoples target is your moneys.

If you don't send your moneys to them or don't give your credit card information they can't do nothing.

Most of them from African countries but they are writing like USA or Europe country so if you open a webcam on Whats app. if you are not stupid you will understand they are not from Europa or America.

Scammer girls are saying "my camera is broken" or i have old phone. We are living in 2020. it is so funny to hear that. i am using old phone in USA.

They will not share Whatsapp number. they will share their Email address. So this way there are thinking to safety to cheat someone. And they will send their life story to effect to you.

Why they are sharing their Email address because they can't talk on here because they will be banned as soon. So they are trying to talk on Email. We are living 2020 who use more emails? only scammer emojis+emoji_218)

Some of them saying " i have cancer or leukemia or i have 500.000$ in bank account" So after they will say. "i will send you moneys" and but you should me 5000$ for active my account emojis+emoji_218))) is there anybody bealiving this kind of stupid story?

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Karen Eagle
Feb 29 '2020, 21:54
Yes i was almost scammed by a military man it hurts so badly
Onur Türk
Mar 1 '2020, 3:07
You can go police department. here 8 years prison for it.
Adv Ameernawaz
Mar 22 '2020, 7:32
yed karen eagle and onur turk
Adegoke Wale
May 20 '2020, 2:04
you are correct but don't think all scammer come from Africa, some Americans and uk people are also scammer and also there are good people in Africa too.I am an Africa man and am proud of my self as a good ambassador for Africa thanks
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