
He filed a lawsuit when he saw his wife without makeup for the first time from Onur Türk's blog

The groom was shocked when he saw his wife without make-up for the first time on the morning of the wedding ceremony in Algeria. The groom filed a lawsuit against his wife for 20 thousand dollars on the grounds that she was psychologically damaged.


A man living in Algeria could not believe his eyes when he saw his wife without make-up for the first time on the morning of the wedding ceremony.


The groom, who saw his wife in her natural state, was shocked because the difference between her wife's make-up and non-make-up state was so surprising.


The Algerian groom, who encountered his wife's daily appearance in the early hours of the morning, could not believe that he was marrying this person. The groom, who could not get over his shock for a while, thought his wife was a thief who had broken into his house.




However, the groom, who had to accept the truth, claimed that he had been deceived and filed a lawsuit against his wife for 20 thousand dollars on the grounds that he was psychologically worn out. Sources close to the family reported that the groom said that he had never seen his wife in her natural state before marriage and that she looked more beautiful.

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Onur Türk
Dec 28 '2023, 22:00
Before you marry, you should go with your girlfriend "Turkish Bath" so you can see her real face :D
Ahmet Ozturk
Jun 10, 22:27
(rofl):D girls stop to making make up!
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