
Communication and Happiness in the Age of Technology from Turgut Can's blog

Human beings have tried to understand nature in order to sustain their lives since their existence, and they have solved what they could with their intellectual and objective skills under the current conditions, but they have attributed the things that their intellectual and objective skills could not handle to a hidden power.


In the process, when it moved to a settled religious/agricultural society, it created its own values ​​as a result of the abstract and concrete needs it felt under the conditions of the day, and created its own sacred values ​​by sanctifying some values. With these created sacred values, it also formed the clergy as the teachers of sanctity.



Creating Polarization

Apart from a segment that has updated its cultural and sacred values ​​according to today's world conditions, accepted science and adopted scientific teachings, a segment that cannot overcome sacred values ​​that are closed to discussion and questioning continues its life in the same way.


Unfortunately, the current government continues its power by seeing these sacred values ​​as an opportunity and creating polarization in society.


The famous philosopher Bertrand Russell said: "I would never consider dying for the ideas I defend, because I may be wrong in my thoughts."


If you want to read our article titled "Religious Reactionism"...


When we, as humans, do not accept that our thoughts are not absolute truths, but relative interpretations, as the philosopher Nietzsche said, "There is no absolute right or wrong in abstract social events that are not scientifically objective, there are interpretations", and when the other person acts with the same prejudices, we are in constant conflict. When we do not empathize and are not aware that our thoughts are coded into our subconscious according to past conditions and our prejudices are formed and when we see them as absolute truth, we are generally in conflict with prejudices, everywhere and in every segment (individuals, communities and societies, etc.). Since conflict does not benefit anyone, unhappy individuals and societies are formed.


In addition, since the majority of the society does not read and question; they do not know the content of simple daily concepts.


What is happiness?

For example, we are not aware that the concepts of error and crime are mostly different in terms of content. Since they do not know that error is something done unintentionally and crime is something done intentionally, when you point out the other person's mistake, instead of taking it as a positive feedback from which to learn, they feel blamed and enter into conflict with you, and this becomes a source of endless conflict and naturally unhappiness when it continues.


How to be happy? Conclusion.

Famous scientist Albert Einstein says, "Breaking prejudices is harder than splitting the atom"...


As seen in this saying, the solution is not easy, but it is not impossible either.


If we as individuals become aware that all kinds of cultural identities and values ​​we have acquired according to past conditions are taught, limit our sacred values ​​to our inner world and accept today's scientific facts in the light of secularism and laicism, we will see that real happiness lies in the ethical common values ​​and common ground of humanity. If we make an effort with this objective perspective and understanding and act in a secular and laic lifestyle by taking scientific thought as a guide, a common benefit will arise.


This will be the most important step for the happiness and peace of humanity and societies.


İsmail DOĞAN

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The Wall

Sep 26, 17:28
Big up, it adds up to what is going on and what it takes, well appreciated
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