
A love, a longing, a tear, a smile, a pleasure, a pain, a passion, a labyrinth, a dream, a man... from Jenny Lina's blog

A love, a longing, a tear, a smile, a pleasure, a pain, a passion, a labyrinth, a dream, a man...


If in life you are destined to meet a man, you will meet him regardless of whether he is near you or far away. I didn't abandon love, I believed in it, I believed that my man was out there somewhere and that he would find me.


I let myself be carried away by the sea, whether I was going to be food for sharks or not, I trusted what my heart dictated this time too. Yes, I was afraid, afraid of crossing a path for another passerby in my life.


 Distance brings people closer, separates them, takes them to the heights of longing, tests love. You love more the one who can't be by your side all the time, because you appreciate his presence more, you fully enjoy the moments when you are together.



That's just the beautiful part, yes, there is also the ugly part, where there are tears, arguments and longing. No matter how strong you are, you will give in at some point, but it's a test, don't give up. That's what I would say to someone going through this beautiful ordeal.


My salvation came from afar... I said and I will always say, that's how I learned what true love is and how you can feel a heartache caused by longing. It was a special, true love, or so I like to think.


Longing is the proof of love.


Now that I remember I see butterflies in my stomach that could pick me up, an amazing feeling that even now brings back some veteran butterflies and a smile on my face.


 The station has seen the most love stories, tears, it happened that my love also passed by there. He felt the half of my heart that remained on that platform and the other half on the train.


The train station united us and divided us. She is the only witness .


 We are always put to the test. I asked myself, why now that I have found my person for whom I cry my love, why does love stubbornly be my enemy? I didn't get an answer, but I learned to love and overcome this question.


The days passed, the lack was felt.


"I missed you, you know, more than I've ever told you, I wanted to keep it to myself, to seem strong, but I'm telling you now


I would have given anything for a minute with you, for a second to kiss you and another to throw myself into your arms"


I added to our list of witnesses, the sea that took with it every word whispered in the ear, every look of "I want time to stop, here and now"


I was happy. I was happy, I made up my mind to fight and entered that game of chess, but I didn't play alone, we were both, two madmen who faced each other for miles and tried to build a castle, only it was built of sand, close to the sea that brought us closer.


That was the most beautiful part and definitely many moments that remain in my heart, what is beautiful is ruined by people, I lived my love only for myself and I enjoyed it to the fullest.


Expectations can kill your love, sometimes it can make you suffer. Only the night witnessed me and knows how much I swam in my own tears.


Unintentional things hurt, because they are done unconsciously, but so consciously by the other person.


I didn't feel understood. I always wanted people to understand me, to understand my silence. I was on the edge of the precipice and he gave me the impetus to fall. The reasons why I experienced this are not important, they are not to be exposed because not everyone understands, for some it is something minor for others something with weight. People only understand when you express what you feel, what you felt.


There were times when I wanted to sit in a corner and cry. I wanted to cry and that was it. Maybe I do that now. He loved me, he did everything out of desperation to find me, the one who lost the battle with patience and hope for something better.


I've forgiven you for the tears shed, maybe I haven't yet forgiven you for the lostexpectations.

This love proved to me that there is evidence to prove love. We need someone to prove to us that for love it is worth sacrificing yourself, it is worth going to the battle front without any weapon.


Our weapon is the heart, few know that.


Having a big heart is the most dangerous weapon, which can be the end of your happiness.


When we have to choose between happiness and sadness, we all tend to choose happiness, but we have learned that it chooses us. I wanted to be happy, I lost that happiness and I needed to suffer, I needed the soul to cry all the dark feelings in my heart, all the disappointment. Suffering shows us how much we love or if we still love.


I had wonderful moments, I experienced feelings that many have not experienced, ironically or not, a love at a distance, a love with little chance was more real than the loves of many. It is possible, man is the only one to blame when something breaks, not distance separates people, they do. For love, it's wonderful to travel a few hours for someone, to travel just to spend a few hours with a person, an hour, two, a night, a morning. Love is smoky and full of suffering,


Love sometimes also needs the intervention of people and when it is left waiting, love succumbs to suffering. The results of this expectation found me in another plane, a less beautiful one, but certainly one that would heal me.


I was torn to pieces, I didn't want anything, I didn't want anyone, I became mentally ill, I was weak, I felt helpless. You suffer when your happiness no longer exists, I left my happiness for another person, then I wrote my pain, I had forgotten everything, I stayed with the suffering and she with me. Time healed my wounds, my illusions, because they were destroyed, the expectations of someone who instead of lifting me up, brought me down with every word spoken and every moment of silence. I suffered, but out of love I am grateful for that too, that I was able to love, that I had the chance for a love with or without a happy ending. Not everything in life has a happy ending, at least not at first.


A love, a longing, a tear, a smile, a pleasure, a pain, a passion, a labyrinth, a dream, a man

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Jenny Lina
Jul 27, 9:08
Thank you.
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By Jenny Lina
Added Jul 6, 6:27


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